Day 121 Update: Going Strong

I am loving that I had kept 21 days straight and strong in the 31 days of the first month in this year. It is a sign of good things coming this year.

I am most grateful for the BLC Round 27, it really did keep me accountable and the need not to let down the team. So I had to really push myself [not beyond limits yet, because I still workout just a little bit above my heart rate target] in order to see the scale move, and to be true to myself it's been cooperating with mama.

Coming week is the mother of them all with 300 minutes in all. I will give myself a week rest from the challenge and I begin again.

Below is my schedule for the coming week.

Week 4
Fitness Minutes Goal = 300

Sunday =  Cardio (60)

Monday = HIIT (50)

Tuesday = Moderate Cardio/ST (Cardio 15/ST 45)

Wednesday = Rest

Thursday = ST (45-60)

Friday = Active Rest (10 minutes walking)

Saturday = Upper Body Workout (60)
