
Showing posts with the label Protein Sources

Chicken Roast

I always dreamed about it and now I have done it. Chicken Roast Recipe 1 dressed chicken 1 Tsp Curry Powder 1 Tsp Thyme 5-8 pieces of dry Basil leaves 1 tbs cayenne pepper (powder) 1 stock cube Salt to taste Directions 1. Mix all the spices in a bowl 2. Rinse the chicken and pat both in and out dry 3. Rub the spice on the chicken and some to go under the skin. Let the spice go round. 4. You can stuff with cooked rice or half boiled potatoes. 5. Tie the legs together and put in the pre-heated oven. Reduce the heat after 20 minutes and cook till done on a low heat. 6. Check the thighs, when it's done leave for 10 more minutes. 7. It is ready to be explored, lol. Here's mine

PROTEIN SOURCES without meat
