Your Inner Team - 2
In the Pixar movie Inside Out, the premise is that each person's brain has several characters inside, who act out individual emotions. The movie captures the “inner drama” of the average person. After all, sometimes it feels like we have different “characters” in our head. In fact, sometimes it feels like being ourselves is a team effort. Who’s on your inner team? For instance, your helpful “inner team” members might include: The #1 Fan: “Hey, you did a great job there! High fives, superstar! YEAH YOU!!!!” The Planner: “Don’t forget to make your lunch. And you have a 3 p.m. meeting, so pack an apple.” The Always-There-For-You Friend: “Sure, this is tough, but no worries — we can do this. I’ve got your back.” The Adventurer: “Ooh! A new exercise! That sounds fun!” Your not-so-helpful team members might include: The Doomsayer: “You are never going to succeed. It’s pointless.” The Negotiator (aka...