
Showing posts with the label Home-Front


It started yesterday and I have decided to make it a post. I started craving these foods yesterday, and I feel like sharing in a post today. and of course this:   How do you handle your cravings? Why do we crave only the not-so-healthy foods? Can you eat the above without overeating them? I need help.

Week 15 Weigh-in: Declutter the Clutters

This week had not been really interesting save the surprise birthday party I was at on Monday 20th. On the healthy lifestyle road, I can say this week was a bore. I tried working out but the morale was just not there (always remember that this happens a lot along your journey to success). Well, I needed to something interesting for this week's post and voila  - "clutters and de-cluttering" . We have all had to battle with this at one time or another. If you are a working class and you are like me with an 8 hour job with other extra-curricula activities on a daily basis, then you will relate with this a lot. Sometimes it becomes worse and you just must find that time to get your house in order. At a point, a cluttered house was my bane till I found a secret of handling one room per time and in a month my home became a safe haven again. Funny part is that when the house is cluttered there is a superstition that one will be having constant nightmares (I don'...