Week 49 - 50 Weigh-in: FEEDBACK, NOT FAILURE
All news is good news. Imagine walking on a rocky surface — maybe a beach, or a dry creek bed, or a hiking trail. Some of the stones are stable and solid. If you step on them, they don’t move. Some of the stones aren’t stable. They wiggle or tip when you step on them. With every step you take, you are getting feedback about the path. And you can use that immediate feedback to correct course as needed. If you step on a rock, and it shifts, did you fail? No. You just got important information about the next thing to do — try another rock. You got feedback......... Feedback is just information It's data that you can use to make a decision. Imagine yourself in a gym...... If you feel yourself leaning too much to one side, or losing your grip on a weight, or losing your balance, you take action to correct that. Same as with your eating habits If you notice that pizza seem to make you overeat, or make you feel sick, then you make a decision about whether to keep that pizza around. ...