
Thirsty Thursday

My cup on my table It's thirsty Thursday and I already filled my cup (it's always on the table, never empty) with water. Sometimes I have green tea in it and other times it's colored water (added with Nutri C) but I make sure to have water on my table especially on Thursdays. Purpose of water in the body is not quantifiable. Water and Me Water has become a part of me I drink it without thinking (subconscious action) I am not held down by 8 glasses a day because I take double that daily Weather is mostly humid in Nigeria, so I drink water by necessity When I am hungry, I drink When I am full, I drink (digestion) When I am constipated, I drink water When I am gassy, I drink water Water is life I love drinking water.

Tiny Tuesday

On my schedule of living healthy, today is "Tiny Tuesday", hoping to keep it as tiny as possible. I had an early breakfast today and also kept it tiny too. It's fiber (beans) and I believe there are some science behind taking such in the morning too. I will search that out and post later. Tiny Tuesday is about having the lowest daily caloric count for the week. Today (25/08/2015) is one of those days, I already have a fiber-filling breakfast  and I hope nothing else out of proportion comes my way till dinner. I hope to always keep it as tiny as possible all-Tuesday long.  Join me friends (look to the graphics and make that your standard for the day, lmao)

Weight Loss

I am truly looking to the stop to this ups and downs and getting under 160lbs before the end of August. My goal for August ending is 155.7lbs, I know I can do it.