
Showing posts from January, 2017

Your Inner Team - 2

In the Pixar movie Inside Out, the premise is that each person's brain has several characters inside, who act out individual emotions.  The movie captures the “inner drama” of the average person.  After all, sometimes it feels like we have different “characters” in our head.  In fact, sometimes it feels like being ourselves is a team effort.  Who’s on your inner team?  For instance, your helpful “inner team” members might include:  The #1 Fan: “Hey, you did a great job there! High fives, superstar! YEAH YOU!!!!”  The Planner: “Don’t forget to make your lunch. And you have a 3 p.m. meeting, so pack an apple.”  The Always-There-For-You Friend: “Sure, this is tough, but no worries — we can do this. I’ve got your back.”  The Adventurer: “Ooh! A new exercise! That sounds fun!”  Your not-so-helpful team members might include:  The Doomsayer: “You are never going to succeed. It’s pointless.” The Negotiator (aka...

Week 46 Weigh-in: Your Inner Team - 1

An English saying goes "birds of the same feather, flock", this means that like minds attract. It is very unlikely that people one makes friends with are opposites of who we are. We naturally align with people that we love things about them, it doesn't have to be all the qualities anyway. On our journey to fitness and a healthier lifestyle, we need help greatly. Help in form of people, ideas, information etc that will draw us closer to our destination than where we started.

Week 45 Weigh-in: Setting Goals

We had spoken extensively on setting goals and what to do with them since the beginning of the year. I am not going to over-flog the topic. I will only use this short post to instruct you to go back to your journal or notebook where you scribble those plans and check how you have fared in the last 19 days of the year. Search inwards: - Is your energy/courage/confidence  sapped? Revitalize by reminding yourself why you started this.  - Are you getting bored already? Tweak your goals/resolutions  - You have not started yet? Just jump into the wagon, it never waits. - Life got in your way? Take a deep breath and keep moving. - Are you making what you call, "little progresses"? Keep on 'keepin on. - Are your progresses large? Celebrate it and reward yourself for doing it. We are here to make tremendous success this year 2017 in our weight-loss journey and nothing will stop us.  Proudly African I considered my journey after my ...

You are not allowed to...

Is it OK to workout when sick? I have not worked out in almost 5 days because I was sick and not disposed enough to exercise. We need to be alert to conditions when our body needs rest and no matter how ardent you are, please kindly call in sick and let the body rest and heal. 


Good day good readers. Is it not awesome that I am still in this weigh in and healthy lifestyle blogging? I am so proud of myself this morning and my Wednesday weigh in and blogging about it had not faltered for a moment.  Consistency is a key to success, keep moving even when sometimes you take some wrong turns [of course its because you are conscious is the reason you even know you have taken a wrong turn], keep moving by turning back into the right direction. Do not stand there kicking or blaming yourself for the wrong turn and not doing anything about it. Today we want to understand more about success and how you need to get yourself ready for it. Last post dwelt on what our plans, goals and resolutions are in 2017 [I believe you have written them down], now we are to be optimistic and enter into the level of imagination on what our successes will be like this year. What successes are you looking forward to? 1. From 1lbs - 500lbs loss 2. A toned/rip...

New Year Creative Intentions

Good morning good people. As promised in the last post, I decided to bring my readers into my plans (fitness wise) for 2017. I did stop calling it new year resolution since last year because it has been researched and known that resolutions don't last, on another note now I think the way we do our resolutions is what makes it pre-termed most times. I mean what do you say of plans that are made hurriedly in the wake of a new year for some selfish reasons; or I decided to jump into a plan because I am trying to take a revenge; or I am even angry at myself and that's what informed my decisions, such plans must be truncated immediately I get even with any of the above negativity. I will like to reiterate today that a plan,  resolution or creative intention (whatever you decide) that would work and successful must be SMART  (click to know what that's about).

Week 42 - 43 Weigh-ins: The New Year

Happy new year to my friends and readers.  I had enjoyed every bit of the festive season with family, rest and of course lots of food. I ate to satisfaction with " healthy " in mind. I had some excesses too like heavy creams, sodas (unlimited)and second helpings too. But I was conscious of the cooking methods like substituting frying for grilling; minimizing oils to the barest;  I also tried new recipes, in all of this I did not stop intermittent fasting,  I was sure to be doing the needful on a daily basis, so the scale was not crazy at the end of the year at 167.4lbs but weigh in this morning was 170lbs [a number I have not behold in a long while], I am starting on a fresh plate and determined to be healthier this year and probably get to my first goal weight of 155lbs by June this year. I have great plans and focus, believing God and my efforts to reach all my goals this year. I am posting from my mobile because of some internet issues right now on th...