
Run, Run, Run

Today, I was doing my running and to do better I did some tricks I learnt. 30 seconds high intensity and then 30 seconds low intensity. On the treadmill today I was doing 30 seconds 3.5mph on low and 6mph on high. I will pursue that style, maybe it makes me run faster. Here is the link: Happy Reading

Day 12 - July 12, 2014

Today by the books is my rest day but because I took the needed rest yesterday, I am on my toes right now. I did a hundred squats today (5 reps 4 sets of each of the 5 squats). In addition to that, was another circuit training that took care of my upper body My trainer insisted I did it with him and it was more fun doing the workout together with another lady who came to join what "we" were doing. Allllllll at the gym. Sore tomorrow? I am ready for it. Probably I am not going to give DOMS a single chance because I still have lots of circuit training to do till Monday. I think food will fall under the category of BAD today {duh}, I am sure by now I must be over my carbs range because there was too much white bread around me today, then white yam then... I don't know what white

Long term Weight Loss Strategies

Day 10 - July 10, 2014

Exercise I did 2 sets, 6 reps of each squat types today and feeling sore on my glutes already. Good sore. I am really getting prepared for the Week 11 challenge and it will be a little challenging, 40 minutes of ST and Cardio (combo) will be a lot of work. I think the right tool for that will be something from Jillian Michaels, maybe a Shred or a BFBM will be awesome. I am facing it straight. We shall get there I bet.

July 9, 2014 - Day 9

Exercise Yesterday was my rest day but I was supposed to do exercise for day 7 which I could not because of so much tiredness. It was so bad I had to sleep early on Monday, today was not bad either as I have to do the exercise in the office (some close corner), squats hardly need so much space or noise.

Sunday - Day 6

Exercise Squat Challenge - 10 reps of each exercise

Day 5 - 7/5/2014

Exercise I slept in a bit today and after preparing my yummy breakfast and cleaning the house, I did my squats, I went back to bed. I woke up later to an awesome time with Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. With some strength I added Walk Away The Pounds with Leslie Sansone. Hussy came back from his outings and I had to stop and serve him. My coming week is going to be awesome, I always know on Saturdays like this when I am totally indoors and well rested.