
Day 16 - July 16, 2014

It is supposed to be day 16 today but alas I am so far behind. I haven't done squat in more than 4/5 days now (not good sign). I have been on some food abstinence program, if you know what that means and because of that, I have less strength to do my daily routines, if you know what that means. I will try to resume tonight though and try to also make up the days skipped. I weighed in this morning and it was just a few pounds down at 172.3 as against 174.4 last week. When this challenge is done (I mean BLC challenge), I will be weigh in every Monday as against the Wednesday weigh in and when another round of the challenge starts, I will still maintain Mondays but post them on Wednesday and I hope this does not count as a cheat. Revival going on in church and I believe God hears and listens. I will live to give the testimonies of this prayer sessions.

Run, Run, Run

Today, I was doing my running and to do better I did some tricks I learnt. 30 seconds high intensity and then 30 seconds low intensity. On the treadmill today I was doing 30 seconds 3.5mph on low and 6mph on high. I will pursue that style, maybe it makes me run faster. Here is the link: Happy Reading

Day 12 - July 12, 2014

Today by the books is my rest day but because I took the needed rest yesterday, I am on my toes right now. I did a hundred squats today (5 reps 4 sets of each of the 5 squats). In addition to that, was another circuit training that took care of my upper body My trainer insisted I did it with him and it was more fun doing the workout together with another lady who came to join what "we" were doing. Allllllll at the gym. Sore tomorrow? I am ready for it. Probably I am not going to give DOMS a single chance because I still have lots of circuit training to do till Monday. I think food will fall under the category of BAD today {duh}, I am sure by now I must be over my carbs range because there was too much white bread around me today, then white yam then... I don't know what white