
Fitness Trends 2016

Hey friends, Source:  American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Are you trending? Check me out 1. Wearable Technology (I have a Heart Rate Monitor and presently saving for a Fitbit Flex) 2. Body Weight Training (Like push ups, lunges, squats etc. It's what I do more times because I don't have many of the exercise equipment available.) 3. High Intensity Interval Training (Most of my workout videos incorporates interval training.  My favorite fitness trainers like Shaun T, Jillian Michaels and Tony Horton bares HIIT in all it's glory) 4. Strength Training (ST is my favorite type of exercise ever because my heart beat rises slowly and stays within a range at a point, I always love the feeling) 5. Personal Training (I have a personal trainer, yes I do have one. He is more of a friend than a trainer and because of that I get too muck slack, he won't just shout at me.) 6. Exercise and Weight Loss (I really do exercise for fitness

One Week Update: Day 7

I have been walking with Leslie for approximately one week today, day 7 is my REST day. I have walked for 3 days consecutively and on the 4th day I realized I was calculating the minutes/steps wrongly. I had to also stop because I was not really feeling good and today being my doctor's appointment, I wanted to just complain to him and inquire if I can continue or what else to do to ease me of the recurrent headaches. I want to let him know how incomplete my life can be without exercising. I am trying my best on the diet front and trust I lost a smidge (0.5kg). Saturday morning I weighed in at 76.3kg as against 76.8kg which was my weigh in before the walk. I did measure my waist to be 35", I am looking for a smaller waist by day 30 of this challenge. What are you non scale goals before the year ends.

30-Day Walking Challenge, Who's In?

Hey awesome readers, I just stumbled on an article on a Leslie Sansone's 30-day walking challenge and I fell deeply in love with it. Since I am recuperating, I have been looking for an exercise that would be mild with me and enough to work me and I think this is just the bomb. The program has 3 versions i.e. ranging from beginners' steps, intermediate and advanced. I am starting today and will love to have an "accountabilibuddy" (new diction for an accountability buddy) - partner in workout - I wouldn't mind a virtual buddy either. Leslie Sansone can be a boring instructor to me but I need her on days as this when I can't cope with a Shaun T or a Billy Blanks high impact exercise. A new discovery is Jenny Ford, I love her steps aerobics and I will get the videos to help me out in a recovery process. Oh! How I had missed the videos and all the plans to lose weight in a healthy way, the body has it's way of declining (today makes 28 days s

Happy Thanksgiving

What are you thankful for? So I'm here today because God kept me. I'm alive today, only because of His grace. God kept me so I wouldn’t let go There is hope of better days/things to come when we still have breathe in us, a hope of doing a lot more in life is assured only if we are alive. Sustenance of life rests with God. He created food, provides food, makes the food work, even the ability to eat/digest the food lies with God (wonderfully and fearfully created). The digestion starting from the mouth and down till making it beneficial for us is awesomely God, and we need to be thankful for this. There is little we can do to really help ourselves outside God and thus my reason for being thankful to Him today. However, that “ little ” we can do must be of utmost priority, this is where fitness and healthy diet comes in. We need to be conscious of a fact that “toxin” is a part of life in this generation (remember global warming), but in case we cannot

Fight Like A Girl

It is October and it is also the Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There is a saying that "what you don't know won't hurt you.." but I think these days it may not hurt but it may KILL and that is the reason early detection of any disease is important. Knowing early is as important as proper education on what to be done about it. In this part of the world religiosity had taken over right thinking and it bleeds my heart a lot when people live in denial of medical problems that can be taken care of before it gets out of hand. This bring us to the issue of self breast examination, it should be taught and known by all girls either young or old. What we are looking for could range from painless/painful lump, discharge from the nipples, unequaled boobs with a far departure from the norm, color changes on the skin of breast or pulling in nipples. A simple DIY can save you from the later hurt after all. In partnership with BHG ( Bankers Healthcare Group ), we (u

Rut, Lost and Down

I think I am in the blues right now!!! (Rant ahead) At one point in the day, week, months and years of a life there will be something that puts the blue ring on the finger.  When the situation is severe, the person refuses or is unable to come out of the weather.It could become medically diagnosed and treated same, then you call that DEPRESSION. I find myself in this blue mood when there are some situations that are simply beyond my control.  I am discussing this on my fitness/weight loss blog because it is affecting my productivity as an ardent exerciser, I still wonder why I will wake up in the morning and the excitement to work up a sweat is not in me. Coming back home at night, I am tired (not an excuse for me) and the inner strength to even take a walk with “Leslie” is not just there. I have un-resolvable issues on my mind right now and they linger on my subconscious, for God’s sake I cannot wait for fogs to clear before I resume back to some good tough

Dreams (CNN Heroes)

I write a lot about my physical fitness but because I love being fit on all sides of life, I am writing about Dreams today. Not the ones you have when you are sleeping but those that you do have in your full consciousness. We sometimes refer to them as 'ambitions'. These are conscious thoughts of what we wish we will become sometimes in the farthest or nearest future. Thoughts that fantasize us a lot and most often we fashion our lives towards such dreams, we walk and work towards realizing such dreams in our daily pursuit and struggles. I have had lots of dreams in my little years of life, from marrying an IT expert ( I did not pursue that but it came ), to having 6 kids ( ouch! ), to becoming a superman like " batman or batgirl "( lol ), to living in a big house and having a large kitchen ( wow ), to becoming a part of the Sesame Street Crew and the dreams are endless What are your dreams? Have they been realizable? How much effort are you puttin