
Recurrent Aural Vertigo a.k.a Meniere's Disease

On the 3rd of November 2015, I woke up as usual doing my daily routine of house chores. I did not eat because I intended engaging in a fast that day. I got to work early and around 9am I was summoned by my boss, as I entered the office, a dizzy feeling came upon me and I had to lean on the nearest object so I don't fall. I went back to my office and I attributed that to an empty stomach. I took two glasses of water then ate breakfast and I was fine. I went about my daily business and the second day Wednesday 4th, I experienced the same thing. I took permission from DH and I closed from work to rest at home but this time the whirling did not stop. On the morning of Thursday 5th, I could not turn my head without whirling (of course it was later I realized it was in my head), I took an excuse from work and I had to visit a laboratory to do some necessary tests to be sure I was fine and every result came out with good numbers i.e. blood count, blood pressure, sugar fasting and eve

Secret to Flat Abs

I have experimented it severally and that is why I am here. I love the mantra that says " abs are not made in the gym, they are made in the kitchen ", and on your plate. Let us start from the anatomy of abs and then move on to what happens to either create the 'bulge' or the 'packs' we get at a time or the other. The abdominal is made up of different muscles on the front, side and middle of the abdominal area. When we think of the abs, most of us are focused on the flat muscle that travels down the front of the belly, from just below the chest to the pelvic area. This muscle, called the rectus abdominis , is often called the " six-pack ," because there are three tendinous creases there that separate the muscle, giving it that washboard look. The rectus abdominis is responsible for spine flexion , which involves bringing the shoulders toward the hips, as in a crunch, and is involved in most abdominal exercises like crunches. Which

Week 4 Weigh in: 170.2lbs

I had an 0.4lbs weight gain between last week and today. I am not surprised because " it's not possible to keep doing the same things and expecting different results ". All my plans to take my workout up a notch last week was forfeited by some factors beyond my control, "weather" (over 37 degrees celcius and over 27 at night). I hate making excuses but I seemed to be very helpless at this point, the scotching sun during the day and the humidity at night is quite overbearing. According to a previous plan , I intended utilizing the mornings but they are as equally humid as the nights too. The effects of all these is low morale and total body debility and I don't feel encouraged to do anything. It looks to me that my mind is not working neither is my body. I am presently on intermittent fasting and I am consistent with it, but I also think I eat too much while breaking the fast and it is really jeopardizing my efforts of the fasted periods. I h