
Trigger Clothings

Kyra Williams is the leader of a sparkteam where I am a member, she is also a blogger at . She periodically sends mail to us [members] on some important topics, this caught my attention and I am willing to share it on my blog.

Week 32 Weigh-in: Journey to Success

This is a big challenge for most of us to come to terms with during any weight loss journey.  Everybody reacts to nutritional change and fitness differently. My pushups may make different muscle changes on me than your pushups do on you. But it’s really hard to remember that when someone lost twice as much weight as you did in the same amount of time.  We have all had those moments when the comparisons become a negative thought:  Why can she lose weight so fast and I can’t?  Keep it sane. Don’t compare yourself with others weight loss paths. Keep positive. Support yourself and congratulate others.  Your journey is your own!

Week 31 Weigh-in: Be Proud of YOU

Today, take a look at YOU... Just look at ALL you have accomplished! Be PROUD of YOU! YOUR hard work and persistence are paying off! Keep UP the GOOD work! Yes, YOU can do anything you put your mind to do! Google says, pride is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of one's close associates, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired. It is the consciousness of one's own dignity. Wikipedia however talks about pride as an inwardly directed emotion that carries two antithetical meanings. With a negative connotation pride refers to a foolishly and irrationally corrupt sense of one's personal value, status or accomplishments, used synonymously with hubris . 

Do it right!

One of the tasks for this weekend on the Biggest Loser Challenge is to blog about what I have been doing right for the past one month. I started this challenge in the first week of last month and I will like to reflect on my weigh-ins for the past 5 weeks and then we can conclude if what I am doing is working and either right or wrong First Week: 166.2lbs Second Week: 166.2lbs Third Week: 165.6lbs Fourth Week: 167lbs Fifth Week: 167.8lbs (sighs) Well, the above is never a lie because whatever choices I make on this weight loss journey will most definitely reflect on the scale. Except you want to start deceiving yourself on this, when you don't do it right it will definitely be evident and the best is to be accountable for it, make changes and move on.

Week 30 Weigh-in: Just Me

A collection of some of my favorite photos, they are not the best but there is something very like ME in those pictures. October 2016 August, 2014 2010, 2012, 2013 I am using these to appreciate who I am and what I have grown to be over the past 6 years of the weight loss journey. It had been a lot of struggle and still struggling but I am closer to my goal than when I started. God forbid I spend another 6 years to get to my goal weight, in fact I have some great plans underway that would ease my journey and I will get a better "after" picture than these. I weighed in at 167.8lbs . An 0.8lbs gain from last week [I am not happy about that anyway], but just as I said the journey to maintenance is starting soon by the grace and help of God and a great determination to do it.

Week 29 Weigh-in: Challenge Recap Week 3

Yesterday was weigh in and it was not too good thanks to wacky hormones (every woman's monthly bane). I weighed in yesterday and I thought it was due to late dinner on Tuesday that showed on the scale but when I tried it this morning, it was worse despite the controlled portion yesterday and taking my early dinner. Now I know it has something to do with water weight. Anyways, the week was not bad and I did everything to be sure the weekend challenge was on point.

You're Worth It

It doesn't matter how good the plan or idea, nothing will work for you if you don’t believe in it. And more importantly, nothing will work if you don’t believe in yourself.  YOU ARE WORTH THE EFFORT! Find above the words for week 3 of our challenge, I really love this motivation statement because I have been there.