
Week 33 Weigh-in: Functional Fitness

Fitness or  physical fitness is a general state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations. Physical fitness is generally achieved through correct nutrition, moderate-vigorous Physical exercise, physical activity, and sufficient rest. It's not how long we will live, but how well. You can be successful without Fitness, but your success may be limited. Fitness builds energy that makes it possible to live with more zing and power. It's the pep you'll need to really go after your passions and goals. Our bodies were meant to move -- they actually crave exercise. Regular exercise is necessary for physical fitness and good health. Once you begin to exercise regularly, you will discover many more reasons why exercise is so important to improving the quality of your life.  Exercise reduces stress, lifts moods, and helps you sleep better. It can keep you looking and feeling younger throughout your entire life. A

Trigger Clothings

Kyra Williams is the leader of a sparkteam where I am a member, she is also a blogger at . She periodically sends mail to us [members] on some important topics, this caught my attention and I am willing to share it on my blog.

Week 32 Weigh-in: Journey to Success

This is a big challenge for most of us to come to terms with during any weight loss journey.  Everybody reacts to nutritional change and fitness differently. My pushups may make different muscle changes on me than your pushups do on you. But it’s really hard to remember that when someone lost twice as much weight as you did in the same amount of time.  We have all had those moments when the comparisons become a negative thought:  Why can she lose weight so fast and I can’t?  Keep it sane. Don’t compare yourself with others weight loss paths. Keep positive. Support yourself and congratulate others.  Your journey is your own!