
Week 37 Weigh-in: Thanksgiving

 “ Blessed be the name of God, forever and ever. He knows all, does all: He changes the seasons and guides history, He raises up kings and also brings them down, he provides both intelligence and discernment, He opens up the depths, tells secrets, sees in the dark – light spills out of him! God of all my ancestors, all thanks! All praise! You made me wise and strong. And now you’ve shown us what we ask for… .” The above were the words of Daniel when the Lord answered a prayer and I am also thankful with the above words today because God had kept me. [ Daniel 2:20-23 ] I am thankful for life and living I am thankful that I know Christ as Lord and guide I am thankful for my cute little family I am thankful for sustenance I am thankful for multiple miracles that had made me give testimonies before men this year I am thankful for my mom (good health), my siblings and my in-laws I am thankful for my nephews and nieces I am thankful for my job I am th


Better late than never. I was not feeling too good posting anything on Wednesday after the weigh in because I was up not just a bit, I was up a lot at 168lbs [It's a number I had not seen in a while] as against the last weigh in of 164.6lbs . I think it's stress which of course led to some episodes of overeating and lack of exercise. I did travel out on a road trip to an event last weekend and of course sitting for long hours of inactivity and the mental stress of the rough roads too (Naija for you). The mental stress contributed to my inability to even lift a finger in my exercise room. Nutrition is very important in every weight loss journey, as good as it could be when done right it could jeopardize all good intentioned efforts when done badly. No wonder someone did say "abs are made in the kitchen and not in the gym" , this is a true statement because I saw better results when I paid closer attention to my meals. Do I dare to ask this question today, what


It could be funny that I normally get inspirations through some routines on a daily basis like when I am taking my bathe, during my morning meditations and when I am doing strength training. Today, the word accountabilibuddy  dropped [I have heard the word before, though].  Accountabilibuddy simply means an accountability buddy . To be accountable in the first place is the ability to be answerable or responsible for an action, it is the will to justify an action or a decision taken. It is that state of not excusing a flaw either it was caused by the culprit or an external force.  To be successful on this weight loss and healthy living lifestyle [even in life], one needs to be accountable for whatever happens. Don't be quick to put blame on others, when you accept the blame, you are being accountable and it is easier to make the right choices the next time such scenario occurs because you don't want to feel guilty anymore. I have heard a dozen blame trading on why some