I love these teams


If you become a Sheriff you will be expected to tow the line. While we realize this is a 12 week challenge, the Sheriffs take it one step further. 

We have two mottos in ShamROCK County: 


So if you're expecting to kick back between rounds, the Sheriff's Office is not for you! We continue our journey between rounds as well. 

We will tolerate no whining, cheating or pouting and MOST IMPORTANT, NO playing hooky. 

This is a SERIOUS JOB and requires a SERIOUS COMMITMENT! 

As a Sheriff, your main job will be to keep the bad guys (ugly fat, junk food, lazy attitudes) under control. We'll offer you plenty of training in the form of regular challenges to get you in shape for your new position. YOU WILL BE EXPECTED to participate in these challenges and support your fellow officers, as well. 

During the challenge, you will be enduring 12 weeks of training and required meetings. We'll be posting duties (challenges) several times each week, and you'll be required to check in often and participate. Between rounds, you'll be expected to continue your healthy journey and not lose ground. There is no room for yoyo dieting in ShamROCK County! 


Falcons are adaptable and commit for life. Falcons are well-traveled. It doesn’t matter to a falcon how long they have already flown. They are not tired and will fly as long and fast as they need to, to reach their goals. As a member of the IVORY FALCONS, we expect you to have this mind-set and be as determined as a live falcon! 

We want Falcons who are AS COMMITTED to reaching their goals as we are, to help and encourage them. But...we cannot do this for you. You have to own it and want it. You have to work to achieve your goals!! 

Our week will look like this: Wednesday Weigh In, Water Day, and meal planning for the next week. GOYB Thursday- We will have a featured exercise, and you will be expected to work on that exercise throughout the week. Weekend Challenges run Friday thru Monday, and Last Chance Workouts on Tuesday. We will be posting our fitness minutes for each week as well. You should be willing to track your nutrition and your fitness minutes, as well as be active in all the above mentioned activities throughout the twelve weeks. 

We EXPECT participation in the Chat Thread a MINIMUM of 3 days a week. We DO NOT consider a fly by post or a post where you only talk about yourself as meeting this requirement. We also EXPECT you to participate in EVERY challenge and aim for MAXIMUM points. Whether we succeed or sometimes miss our mark, is not always the point, but if we don't aim high we won't succeed! We make mid-flight corrections and are ready to do it again tomorrow. 

If you are committed to breaking out and committing to change these next twelve weeks, and are willing to put in hard work, and support and encouragement to team mates, please join our team. 


NO MOCHA LEFT BEHIND! We are Family. We will Push, Support, and Challenge each other. We are HOT on this journey TOGETHER, and it is NOT one to be taken lightly. We must COMMIT to OURSELVES and our Team! PARTICIPATION in Challenges AND within our team thread is NECESSARY for survival!! Participating benefits you AND your TEAM. We WORK together, so in order to be more effective YOU MUST participate WITH us. We must engage ourselves in order to CHALLENGE ourselves. 

As Mocha, YOU can EXPECT Wednesday: Weigh In day, Thursday: Tone N Trim (TNT), Friday-Monday: Weekend Challenge, Tuesday: Last Chance Workout (LCW). Each week you will work toward your fitness Skill Level. In order to earn Levels, you must complete your Weekly Stats on our Mocha website. 

We are MANIACS about nutrition and exercise. The Mocha Captains know what this journey is all about; we’ve lost a collective total of 214 pounds. If you need to be CHALLENGED we are the team for you. We don’t expect perfection, but we do expect participation. 

So if you are looking for a Family to MOTIVATE, CHALLENGE and SUPPORT you on your journey, then we INVITE you to be a HOT MOCHA MANIAC! 


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