Day 3: 10 Minutes Streak

Good Morning Friends

I did a wonderful dance this morning with Shaun T. It was a great cardio for me with lots of sweat and feel-good spirit after.
I always feel so proud of myself after a good workout.
I also completed my second day in the squats challenge. I did 50 squats in all

Woohoo!!! BLC 26 starts today and my weigh in is at 176.6lbs. I don't feel happy when I keep moving forward and backward this way, but I hope things will take a new shape in this round. I love to be in good shape.

My hair had been receiving lesser attention but today is going to be wash day and I will co-wash tonight

I had to interfere in an issue I had dreaded for so long now. I am really depending on the holy spirit to help me resolve this because the people involved are of very strong character and attitude. I don't want it to escalate beyond the way it is now, and I know God will help me through.
