Day 47 Update: Gymra
Gymra is another YouTube channel that is saddled with the uploading of workouts that ranges from Pilates to yoga, total body workouts, upper body, lower body and other circuit training. Judging by the little time, I spent with working out to those videos. I think they are awesome and glowing with sweat was achieved effortlessly. My only reason why their 5 stars maybe reduced to 4 is this funny observation. The workout instructors or actresses as the case maybe keeps smiling even when they are breathless. I don't expect them to squeeze their faces but it is not as easy as it seemed anyways. If they hope to sell their videos to me with that strategy, I am not sure it will work. Checking out fitnessblender, they know when you should be tired even the instructor's voice is stressed at that point. I love those! Check her out!