

You will never appreciate that you have lost weight until you take time to compare pictures. I had a reason to compare pictures today, even when I thought I had not achieved a thing physically in the 4 years of eating differently and working out consistently, I beg to differ after the pictures below.

Day 92 Update: Week 3

I noticed the video is 31 minutes instead of usual 34 minutes. I wondered what was different until I started the workout this morning and realized an exercise was missing in the first circuit, whatever happened was an error on her side as far as I am concerned. Somehow I also felt the video is a little less intense and “nice” too. I enjoyed everything about it and I ended up burning my rice, duh. I feel a little excited with my success on this video and I am sure to finish stronger and at the right time too. I am feeling quite excited for the upcoming Christmas celebration (I don’t understand why right now) despite we are not so buoyant right now, but there is a great excitement right now and I know all is well that ends well. Now I can pick one of the reasons why I am excited, it’s my Sparkversary celebrations today, I mark 4 years with Sparkpeople today and I feel excited about it. Not many (physical) achievements like I would desire but I have become a better perso

Day 91 Update: Week 2 of Ripped in 30

I successfully concluded the Week 2 of the Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30. I am happy that I am doing everything to be consistent exercise-wise. The only challenge I have is the inability to do the bonus workout for the day to conclude the 60 minutes a day exercise. I will surely get there, I am truly working towards increasing my exercise minutes. My workout review Ripped in 30 Week 2 is just as challenging as the first week. I am using a 2lbs weight and probably it is not as challenging as I desired it. So tomorrow God's willing, I should  be using my 5lbs weight to start the Week 3. Jillian as usual can be strict in her instructions No Bread Streak. I have maintained 2 weeks of NO BREAD during work days. I now eat bread only on Saturdays and Sundays, maybe next year I may start 14 days no bread streak and maybe 30 days, and maybe 60 days, till I overcome eating bread [this food keeps jeopardizing my efforts]. I have 9 days left in the 100 days 10+ minute

Day 87 Update: Weigh In

I am just concluded with this round of BLC and the link below takes you to my analysis of the two rounds of BLC so far. A hectic day in the office today.

Day 82 Update: Bread

I love eating bread! But it is sabotaging my efforts presently, I am still researching what substitute to have when the cravings for bread comes along. This past week, my weight was rising geometrically and I felt so strongly that bread is responsible for it. I weighed in at 177.6lbs on Wednesday, my weigh in day and with the excuse that it was water weight, I climbed the scale again on Thursday [even after a workout] and a whooping 178.8lbs was staring at me, wow what did I do wrong except bread. I am deciding today to give bread a break but I will need a substitute and maybe a cheat day so that my efforts will not be sabotaged by cravings at the end of the day and it become worse than when I started.  What advice do you have for me?

Day 79 Update: Streak within a streak

As I said in the last blo g I started the new 30 days streak called... I have been with Jillian Michaels for some years now and to say I enjoyed her is an understatement. She makes me burn, cry, sweat and name them all. Yes I know my relationship with Jillian over the years is a love-hate relationship but I keep going back because the results are immeasurable. Ripped In 30 I have like 20 minutes to workout and the warm up and cool down amounting to another 13 minutes so it amount to a total of 33 minutes for the Week One circuit. I am not stopping at that, I am also making sure to have a bonus workout at night so that I have at least 45 minutes working out daily, [I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me].  I believe that I can only become stronger and be ready to push more till the results keeps coming in. It is a 3-2-1 circuit i.e. 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute abs. My glutes and shoulders are on fire right now from unending squats,

Day 76 Update: Fit for Christmas

I have been thinking of something awesome for Christmas and countdown starts in 2 days i.e. December 1st. So I feel starting a streak within a streak will be a good idea afterall. Today is filled with activities but I would not forget my workout because of that. I should be working out tonight although, I am having a heap of a wash right now, I will most definitely start my workout soon. I hope to also wash my hair tonight. I already pre-pooed with olive oil and will be doing a tea rinse [ it's my first experience ] after the wash too. I will unveil the package by Sunday night. Get ready for me...