
Day 103 Update: 4 Weeks Challenge

I am starting a challenge today and I think I started on a good note. Mood is good and food was on point.

Day 102 Update: 10+ Minutes Streak continues...

"Hit Like if you did at least 10 minutes of fitness today or took any other steps to reach your goals! 50 for me. Today's highlight was mini-trampoline. What was your highlight? -- SparkGuy" The above are the daily words of Chris Downie on Facebook to engage us all on the daily fitness goals we might have set. For me yesterday marks the continuation of the 100 days streak, I completed last year. I am continuing on a slightly different note this time around. I am counting only the days when I do a physical activity that can meet the requirements of a workout . I hope to be as consistent as possible. I was on a familiarization tour with my Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor this morning. I am doing my best but I am still not getting it yet. This morning was the first workout with Chalene Johnson on Turbo Jam. Learning the basics with "learn & burn". I am still trying to get the moves but I am already in love with Chalene Johnson. I am still wondering how she ma

Weigh In

Hi friends, I have two bathroom scales in the house. One is digital and the other is the regular analog scale, over the years I have weighed some definite weights (like dumbbells) to confirm their accuracy. I have also found out that they are very okay.  Today, I decided to weigh in and one says 79kg while the other (digital) says 171.6lbs (77.8kg). Do you think they are trying to say the same thing? If that is it then I am sure I am making some good good progress. I think I will keep on with this method till I get to my goal weight. I am starting to incorporate some good workouts from tonight. Success is mine.


To all my blog readers and commentators 2014 I love you and wish you a prosperous 2015 I desire you comment on whatever you feel after reading my blogs this year. I will truly appreciate it. I will try to make the blogs more open for comment. It is a year of ACHIEVERS

What Fitness Advices/Articles does not understand about ME

I shared this on Sparkpeople today. I am doing this because I think some of the writers of blogs and articles could be lopsided in their advice, there is simply no one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss. Sparkpeople and some of these writers are abroad, I am here in the heart of Africa. Our meals differ, our lives differ, our weathers differ. We are simply on different sides of the coast and thus, I can only pick some ideas and leave the rest for them [never under any obligation to do so], this is what inspired the write up below today. I am not angry at anyone, just simply stating our differences and why I would not strain myself to do all recommendations on the site. Happy reading... I have been thinking lately and I think I should share this so that my relationship with Sparkpeople is smoother in 2015. I have been stalled or rather in plateau for more than 2 years now. I am trying to understand why but I am still in a fix and I think I need to fix this once and for all.

Day 100 Update: 100 days countdown

Woohoo! 100 days is gone by today. I am happy that I did it but on another note, not happy because I was not faithful to it all through. I missed days that I believe if added together maybe more than a month. Within this 100 days [I am not really accountable for it] - I did finish the BLC 26 challenge and started with Ripped in 30 [I am finishing Week 4 this week]. - I made great decisions that I am sure will be of help in the next 100 days. - 10 minutes + streak and I am keeping on strong. - I took control of white bread too [just weekend to eat my bread] - I finally started a de-cluttering plan to keep my home clean. Another 100 days starts tomorrow and I promise myself, it will be a more healthier, active and successful 100 days [God's willing]. I promise to state my goals for the coming year [watch out for it] and one of it would be to do as many 100 days streak as possible in the coming year. As many challenges as possible and I promise to be happy in all of i

Day 96 Update: 10 minutes is better than nothing

I can say now that, doing 10 minutes is really better than doing nothing, thanks to I was not feeling like exercising for the two days [thanks to the weight gain on the scale yet again, 177lbs - I think it's TOM]. So last night, the same feeling was already on me since waking up and by evening, I was dead tired but instead of doing nothing [I am still on Ripped in 30] I decided to do something that will not make me wear any gear at all. [kitting for exercise is a core to me and it is enough to discourage me from working out on some days, it's a story for another day], I looked through my YouTube collections and there is this lady with red and blue balls behind her staring at me. I did 7 minutes working my glutes and 6 minutes working on my giggly arms [Christian Mother]. Next year must be different by FIRE and by FORCE, because God is involved now.