What Fitness Advices/Articles does not understand about ME

I shared this on Sparkpeople today. I am doing this because I think some of the writers of blogs and articles could be lopsided in their advice, there is simply no one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss. Sparkpeople and some of these writers are abroad, I am here in the heart of Africa. Our meals differ, our lives differ, our weathers differ. We are simply on different sides of the coast and thus, I can only pick some ideas and leave the rest for them [never under any obligation to do so], this is what inspired the write up below today. I am not angry at anyone, just simply stating our differences and why I would not strain myself to do all recommendations on the site. Happy reading... I have been thinking lately and I think I should share this so that my relationship with Sparkpeople is smoother in 2015. I have been stalled or rather in plateau for more than 2 years now. I am trying to understand why but I am still in a fix and I think I need to fix this once and for all. ...