More Questions...

One of the earliest adult songs I learned by heart as a little kid was a song by Johnny Nash “there are more questions than answers”, I heard it every week for years since it was an intro to a TV talk show.

As I grew up, I realized those words were true.

Are they not?

There are many questions parents could not give answers to, many times teachers were lost even in their fields of specialization, a lot of inquiries were purposely swept under the carpet by religious leaders either because they were never told the answers too or they were too unbothered to find out. More importantly, many questions that bothered us and still bothering us as individuals and we are yet to find a clue, and which we may never till we are done.

Questions increased as I grew, the peak of it was my teenage years, unfortunately there was no one to pose them to or sometimes I was not bold enough to ask adults those questions. Then I became an expert in monologue, I spoke to myself, ask questions and got answers from some books, from the TV, eavesdrop on others and anywhere I believed there were answers.

In my adult years I gained confidence but that was after I have done some trials and errors and maybe establish some thinking errors too [I will post that next] which I am still unlearning till the very moment. 

Sometimes people don't ask questions because of fear of being judged. Others will not ask to avoid looking stupid, for some they are being bullied to be quiet, many more stopped because they never had correct answers, ever!

Today, people are still asking questions and they are waiting and hoping for answers they may never get, or the wrong ones if they ever do.

But an undeniable fact is that people who are bold to ask questions despite all odds are quite smart, full of knowledge and will get correct answers eventually.

Below is a road to a place unknown, asking questions and getting answers is an endless journey of life, we keep asking and when we get “correct answers”, we run with it until we meet another brick wall of question.

Learn to pose questions to those who know, keep asking till you get it right.

What are questions that ever bothered you as a kid?

What questions do you have unanswered now?

Why did you stop or start asking questions?

There are more questions than answers by Johnny Nash

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