
Showing posts with the label Weight Loss

6 Steps to Choosing a Safe, Successful Weight Loss Plan

Are you looking for the safest, most effective way to permanently lose unwanted pounds? Millions of us are, and experts agree that the safest and most effective way to achieve permanent weight loss is to follow a healthy eating plan and get adequate physical activity. The weight loss plan you choose should be one that promotes healthy eating habits to lose weight and to maintain weight loss. When you’re ready to select your weight loss plan make sure you choose one that includes: 1. Healthy eating . Choose a weight loss plan that reduces calories without leaving out specific foods or food groups. Make sure your weight loss plan includes foods from all the food groups on the nutrition pyramid. 2. Exercise . Enough cannot be said about the importance of a regular workout plan that includes 30 to 60 minutes of cardiovascular activity at least 5 days every week – 6 to 7 days a week is even better. 3. Medical supervision . If you’re going to follow a diet plan that i


I decided to weigh in this morning and... 166.6lbs. Was that me? I climbed the second time and the same number flashed. The least in 6 years. I could not believe this. [Let us see what Wednesday Weigh In brings] I really thank God.

What Fitness Advices/Articles does not understand about ME

I shared this on Sparkpeople today. I am doing this because I think some of the writers of blogs and articles could be lopsided in their advice, there is simply no one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss. Sparkpeople and some of these writers are abroad, I am here in the heart of Africa. Our meals differ, our lives differ, our weathers differ. We are simply on different sides of the coast and thus, I can only pick some ideas and leave the rest for them [never under any obligation to do so], this is what inspired the write up below today. I am not angry at anyone, just simply stating our differences and why I would not strain myself to do all recommendations on the site. Happy reading... I have been thinking lately and I think I should share this so that my relationship with Sparkpeople is smoother in 2015. I have been stalled or rather in plateau for more than 2 years now. I am trying to understand why but I am still in a fix and I think I need to fix this once and for all.

Day 96 Update: 10 minutes is better than nothing

I can say now that, doing 10 minutes is really better than doing nothing, thanks to I was not feeling like exercising for the two days [thanks to the weight gain on the scale yet again, 177lbs - I think it's TOM]. So last night, the same feeling was already on me since waking up and by evening, I was dead tired but instead of doing nothing [I am still on Ripped in 30] I decided to do something that will not make me wear any gear at all. [kitting for exercise is a core to me and it is enough to discourage me from working out on some days, it's a story for another day], I looked through my YouTube collections and there is this lady with red and blue balls behind her staring at me. I did 7 minutes working my glutes and 6 minutes working on my giggly arms [Christian Mother]. Next year must be different by FIRE and by FORCE, because God is involved now.


You will never appreciate that you have lost weight until you take time to compare pictures. I had a reason to compare pictures today, even when I thought I had not achieved a thing physically in the 4 years of eating differently and working out consistently, I beg to differ after the pictures below.

Day 91 Update: Week 2 of Ripped in 30

I successfully concluded the Week 2 of the Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30. I am happy that I am doing everything to be consistent exercise-wise. The only challenge I have is the inability to do the bonus workout for the day to conclude the 60 minutes a day exercise. I will surely get there, I am truly working towards increasing my exercise minutes. My workout review Ripped in 30 Week 2 is just as challenging as the first week. I am using a 2lbs weight and probably it is not as challenging as I desired it. So tomorrow God's willing, I should  be using my 5lbs weight to start the Week 3. Jillian as usual can be strict in her instructions No Bread Streak. I have maintained 2 weeks of NO BREAD during work days. I now eat bread only on Saturdays and Sundays, maybe next year I may start 14 days no bread streak and maybe 30 days, and maybe 60 days, till I overcome eating bread [this food keeps jeopardizing my efforts]. I have 9 days left in the 100 days 10+ minute

Day 82 Update: Bread

I love eating bread! But it is sabotaging my efforts presently, I am still researching what substitute to have when the cravings for bread comes along. This past week, my weight was rising geometrically and I felt so strongly that bread is responsible for it. I weighed in at 177.6lbs on Wednesday, my weigh in day and with the excuse that it was water weight, I climbed the scale again on Thursday [even after a workout] and a whooping 178.8lbs was staring at me, wow what did I do wrong except bread. I am deciding today to give bread a break but I will need a substitute and maybe a cheat day so that my efforts will not be sabotaged by cravings at the end of the day and it become worse than when I started.  What advice do you have for me?

Day 74 Update: Freggies Day

Each day is a blank page and I hold the pen! I am the author of my own story!! I am thankful for each day that I am given. For each opportunity to begin anew and let today be the day to focus on. Life is too short, but it should be long enough. Long enough to do the things that are important in a life. I am of the mindset that life isn't about sitting back on the sidelines and watching a sort of "life-parade" go by and cheer those out there "doing it"! NO NO NO!!! It's about being the parade, the band, the enthuisiam, the tickertape, the cheers, the whole thing. It's about not only the events, but the atmosphere around those events. Of not just seeing life, but tasting, smelling, diving into it. Rubbing it all over like a salt rub and then then letting out a primevil type utterance.. YEAHHHHHH!!! That's what I'm talking about..extreme.. extreme... grabbing what you can with both hands and not letting go even if you end up being dragged a bit,

Day 69 Update:

Hey Friends, Today should be great save the pains I had. The pains were not too bad but it kept me irritable and inactive. It was a church member's wedding and I could do nothing beyond the ordinary to help in service and arrangements. In the midst of this I had a walk, like a 15 minutes walk. (That counts as my workout for the day and I tag it ACTIVE REST) I did not do any deliberate workout today because there was just too much to do within a little time. So after this post, I will be going to have my daily 5 mins jump rope interval dose, (I loved the streak). I have been doing it and I have been enjoying it and who knows 5 minutes becomes 10 mins and on and on. Good news I have a new crush on and trust me I am loving every bit of it. Unlike fitness blender who normally have it slow but intense, beachbody has it fast, furious and insanely intense. Unfortunately, getting to download on YouTube is almost impossible because their videos are not even there, my

Blogs I love

Read this 15-habits-of-people-who-have-effectively-lost-over-20-30lbs-and-kept-it-off

Day 46 Update: BreakDinner

Hey friends, Physiological issues had not allowed me to be working out as consistent as I would desire, but I have been doing something else i.e. eating healthy. The new style is eating dinner for breakfast and vice versa. I had not only been enjoying it but, * I had been eating light at night * I don't need to be doing so much work after the tiredness of the day * GO likes it a lot * I think I could categorically say my weight dropped from 177.2lbs to 176.6lbs, that is the initial weight at the start of BLC. I am still giving myself some pep talk on how I can still keep this streak alive and working. Healthy eating, I decided to do some Nigerian Pancakes as seen online.

PROTEIN SOURCES without meat


Weight Loss Requirements

I just stumbled on some articles now and after reading them, I am getting to the point where I know why I have been on a plateau for more than 2 years... I have been consistently working out to maintain my weight and be healthy (That is actually the initial goal, just exercise to be healthy) but now I want to lose weight and it is going to be better I up my workout sessions and more period of cardio/HIIT sessions too. These are some facts I gathered: Stay Healthy - 20+ minutes a day/5 days a week (moderate exercise) Maintain Weight - 45 - 60 minutes a day/5 days a week (moderate/high intensity exercise) Weight Loss - 60 - 90 minutes a day/5 days a week (high intensity exercise) I need a greater determination into this journey, I am tired of this front and back position on my weight loss. If I wish to do it, let it be done if not let it stay.


Right now I am all bloated up and weigh in yesterday was at 175.6lbs i.e. 79kg, ouch!!! All clothes feels so snugly and I cannot explain if it is TOM but trust me I have been eating as if food is going out of fashion. Program is still feeling hot in church and the turn up by member had been great. It's really taking a toll on GO and I cannot wait for it to be over. I am also happy he will soon be on his annual leave, it is a much needed rest. No exercise + bad food = bloating and gas. You can see why I can never do without working out whether there is weight loss or not, I just must do it. It is vital for my existence now.


Here is Z's Transformational Tuesday post about making SMART goals: Today we're talking SMART goals. Have you set any for the next 12 weeks? Are you including goals that relate to what's important in your life, not just food & fitness? Are your goals in writing? To set yourself up for success, check if they are: Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely SPECIFIC You know your goal is specific if it answers these questions: WHO: Who will be involved in helping you reach your goal (including yourself)?

Stand on the Scale

If you into weight-loss, is there anytime this happens to you? lol, that happens to me a lot of time after working so hard, counting even the calories in water and voila not 1lb gain, not 2 but 4lbs. A whole 4 lbs. This had been happening to me since 2 years now, meaning...

Long term Weight Loss Strategies

30-Day of Weight Loss Challenge

I have done this before and now that I have my own blog, I want to do it again. I saw a more beautiful way now with pictures frames and all. I will come up with something beautiful soon...